Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Start of a new begining....

I'm not sure who will all read this or have access to this. However for those that do not know, I'm 26 and married to the love of my life, my wonderful husband John. We were married on October 16, 2010 and have been together since June 22, 2006.  We have been attempting to concieve for just over 2 years now, and so far have not been sucessful. So... Here is going to be a place to get my thoughts out and at the same time possibly keep people updated, assuming I'm good at keeping up with the posts.

Though it took 1.5 years, I finally got John to get tested to see if his count was high enough, and lets just say he's in good shape. The nurse at my ob/gyn office looked at the results and replied with "if we were using that as a reason to date he's a keeper." So knowing that John's in good shape in that area was a great thing, very mind relaxing... well for him. That was the easy test to try, now for the more complicated tests on me...

On Wednesday September 7th, I went into Kingwood Medical and had an HSG done to check if my tubes were open... good news, they were wide open! Actually I was shocked at first becuase the radiologist who was preforming the procedure, put in the dye and then looked at the screen and replied "WOW!" I was not sure if that was a good wow or a uh oh we have a problem wow. I asked and he pointed out where each of my tubes were opened and you could see where they flowed into, he said that typically people's body didn't show the dye that fast, however my body allowed it to be shown quickly. After that I left to tell John the good news, things appear to be in working order for me as well as of right now.

As far as my HSG, that was an extremely crampy procedure, but as fast as they came they went away. My only complaint is I felt like I was beat in my stomach the following day. Overall not too bad. I was told that procedure is compairable to labor.  If that is close, I think I can handle this!

The following Friday on September 9th I had a follow up with Dr. Champion (ob/gyn), we talked about the test results and that everything looked good to her as well. With that said she asked if John and I wanted to try Clomid. We decided to get the perscription and to talk more about it. John wants 2 kids and is slightly worried about the chance of multiples if taking clomid. However, Dr. Champion said that though the odds are slightly increased there is still more of a chance for a single baby than anything else. We decided to get the perscription filled, now have to wait for my cycle to be able to take and see if we have luck....  never thought I'd be ready for a period... But first time for everything!

Well I'll give an update shortly on the whole path. looking at my cycle my period should start around September 27 and will know more shortly after that. But might log on to talk about my feelings inbetween.